
Net Neutrality Win!


Good news, everyone! We’re excited to announce that, today, the US Federal Communications Commission approved a set of new regulations in support of net neutrality!

These regulations essentially aim to prohibit Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from creating “internet fast lanes” (also called paid prioritization) to broadband and wireless access. This will include rules against blocking legal content and throttling traffic. In brief, the FCC is re-classifying the Internet as a public utility. The Internet is regarded as a common good for all, and its user base is a protected interest. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is quoted as having said, “The Internet is simply too important to allow broadband providers to be the ones making the rules.”

There has been a lively debate for several years over whether a more regulated Internet will stand to benefit “the little guy” or to benefit large telecom companies, and whether this will level the playing field or discourage private investment in Internet infrastructure in the future. This FCC decision is in many respects a work in progress, and it is certainly the beginning of a larger legal battle. As a company that relies upon fair, equitable access to the Internet to do our business, Ideal Positions supports the open Internet, free of gatekeepers standing between small businesses and the customers we rely upon.
