Now that we are a few months into the relationship and we have had time to not only evaluate you & your firm’s service but to also gauge results, I had to write. Service has been exemplary! You have delivered on every promise and met every deadline. The TEAM at IDEAL POSITIONS seems “well oiled”, as all the moving parts fulfill their responsibilities to the administration & technical aspects of serving our firm. Now for the “bottom line”, our placement on Google & Yahoo was completed quickly and remains in place day after day. The phone is ringing and the email inquiries are flowing. Even with this strained economy and a general reduction in Relocation, Travel and Short-Term Consultant Employment (our mainstays), we are booking business as a result of our listings through you & IDEAL. I am really looking forward to what the activity from these sources will become once the National economy improves and our clients & markets resume hiring, training, relocation and the like.
Joe Smith, Suite Accommodations (CA)